A Statement From The Petty Family

昨日(米国1月19日/日本1月20日)、Tom Petty の死因に関する家族の声明がオフィシャルサイトで公表されました。少なからず衝撃的な内容でしたが、冷静に受け止めたいと思います。コメントは英文であるのに加えて医学的要素が含まれ理解しづらい部分もありますので、ここに翻訳と解説をお届けします。



今朝、家族一同は検視官の事務所で、Tom Petty は複数の薬剤摂取の結果による偶発的な薬物中毒で死亡したとの最終分析結果を知らされました。

残念なことに、Tom の体にはいくつもの深刻な疾患がありました。肺気腫、膝の問題、そして最大のものとして股関節骨折です。






我々は、みなさんとともに悼むとともに、Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers が音楽と世界に与えた驚くべきポジティヴな影響に感嘆し続けています。そして、我々は、この数か月間のみなさんの愛情と支えに感謝申し上げます


この困難な期間、Heartbreakers ファミリー一同のプライバシーをご尊重いただければ幸いです。

– Dana Petty,  Adria Petty –




ここまでオピオイド系薬物が広まった理由は、その一部が医師の処方箋のもと鎮痛薬として合法的に使えるようになったことにあります。医療用オピオイドには、フェンタニルをはじめオキシコドン、ヒドロコドンなどがありますが、モルヒネと同様の依存や禁断症状を引き起こすほか、過剰摂取にて呼吸抑制を来たし致死的となります。近年では、アメリカ人のトヨタ役員が来日時にオキシコドンを所有して麻薬取締法違反で逮捕されたほか、Prince がフェンタニルで命を落としました。

CNN: US life expectancy drops for second year in a row (2017年12月22日)  
The Lancet: The opioid crisis in the USA: a public health emergency (2017年11月4日)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Opioid overdose


Jan 19, 2018

Our family sat together this morning with the Medical Examiner – Coroner’s office and we were informed of their final analysis that Tom Petty passed away due to an accidental drug overdose as a result of taking a variety of medications.

Unfortunately Tom’s body suffered from many serious ailments including emphysema, knee problems and most significantly a fractured hip.

Despite this painful injury he insisted on keeping his commitment to his fans and he toured for 53 dates with a fractured hip and, as he did, it worsened to a more serious injury.

On the day he died he was informed his hip had graduated to a full on break and it is our feeling that the pain was simply unbearable and was the cause for his over use of medication.

We knew before the report was shared with us that he was prescribed various pain medications for a multitude of issues including Fentanyl patches and we feel confident that this was, as the coroner found, an unfortunate accident.

As a family we recognize this report may spark a further discussion on the opioid crisis and we feel that it is a healthy and necessary discussion and we hope in some way this report can save lives. Many people who overdose begin with a legitimate injury or simply do not understand the potency and deadly nature of these medications.

On a positive note we now know for certain he went painlessly and beautifully exhausted after doing what he loved the most, for one last time, performing live with his unmatchable rock band for his loyal fans on the biggest tour of his 40 plus year career. He was extremely proud of that achievement in the days before he passed.

We continue to mourn with you and marvel at Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers incredible positive impact on music and the world. And we thank you all for your love and support over the last months.

Thank you also for respecting the memory of a man who was truly great during his time on this planet both publicly and privately.

We would be grateful if you could respect the privacy of the entire Heartbreaker family during this difficult time.

– Dana Petty and Adria Petty –